War Party Party #1

War Party Party #1

The War Party Party series follows a team of existential adventurers on their wild exploits through time, space and beyond! This is War Party Party!
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Let's Party

Face it, sometimes you have to lose your head, or join along on the adventures of someone who has...
Taste the Deathless Insanity Salts of Epsoma!
Remember the first time you saw the Lovercraft called Nightcrawler in glorious recollections of the moment in retellings of it to your friends and foes!
Revel in joy as the story's suction holds onto you for the rest of your life...as the fantastical assortment of weirdos set up camp in that bizarre corner of your mind reserved for bad ass 80's sci-fi-fantasy cartoons!
This is War Party Party!
Starring War Party, that fantastical assortment of weirdos ready to set up camp in that bizarre corner of your mind reserved for bad ass 80's sci-fi-fantasy cartoons!
So true that it's mentioned twice!
War Party Party, alive and writhing in anticipation of your eager fingers foraging it's fresh, just for you, sheafs!
The First Issue!
War Party Party!

Is it crazy?
Is it crazy to have feelings of excitement...over a creation?
Is it crazy to want to share in the exhaltation of enjoying something new in the world...
of sci-f-fantasy?
I don't think so.
Join me on my mission to defy mediocrity in modern comics!
Let's dip our minds into a better fictional landscape together!
War Party Party!
War Party Party!
War Party Party!
Let's Party!


A journey of relations awaits you as you embark into the interconnected mythos of my various titles...from the storied world of Welcome To Catharsis and those cursed citizens therewithin to the mysterious waters of the Seven Seas of Somnia in Dreamboat, chew your way through Blackhole Bubblegum or treat your mind's ear to the Omega Sigil's sounding at Caer Fel Couer...any which way you enter, you cross thresholds into the bizarre forests of Warschkow...each title, one of myriad facets of the same epic saga where adventurous excursions into strange fantasy awaits...there's nothing else like it.


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