Dandy Puppeteer
5 months ago

Project Update: All Bags have Shipped!

Hi everyone! I'm happy to share that fulfillment is complete! Every pledge should have received a tracking number or their package delivered already. If you did not receive a tracking number and are unsure why, please contact me asap. The only exceptions were anyone who requested that I hold onto their bags to ship with another pre-order they made.

Regarding additional B & C Grades from the first problematic production bulk, I need to finish reviewing my remaining new bulk inventory with my grading system. Then after I take standard stock photos, the extra inventory will be posted up on the webshop. This will hopefully be sometime late October/early November. 

Once more, thank you so much for supporting this campaign! Please feel free to tag me on social media or to send any feedback my way. These are my brand's first leather bags so I'm definitely open to any thoughts, comments, or opinions you might have.  If you're satisfied with your bag and looking to add another to your collection, I recently launched a campaign for a leather star shaped bag that can be seen here. I hope everyone receives their pledges safely and I really hope you all love your bags and wallets! Take care! :)






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