Dandy Puppeteer
11 days ago

Project Update: New Color Samples - Round 3 (Pinks)

Hello, here with another sock sample update! This time, just tackling the last pink colorways. Pink is such a difficult color to make in socks because the color thread options are limited and not always the most ideal match or the most opaque so it usually takes the longest time to sample through trial and error. Thanks for your comments last time, I went ahead and approved Dark Pink & Black Cherry Gingham while ordered the additional round of samples of Pink.

With this sample, I tested out changing the background from the super pale pink it was previously to a more saturated pastel pink. It looks pretty dramatically different when unworn but it's pretty subtle when worn. Personally, I like this new pink and would like to proceed with it as the final but I'd love to hear what you guys think as many of you said you like the pinks as is on the last post.

Previous pink background on the left, New pink background on the right

New pink background on the right leg, Previous pink background on the left leg

Fresh Tasty Popcorn also got its sample. I opted for using the same base pink thread as Cherry Gingham. I'm debating maybe changing the stars on this colorway from the dark yellow to the pastel yellow, what do you guys think?

Worn photo Fresh Tasty Popcorn - Pink

Color comparison to Pink Cherry Gingham

Dress comparisons to Angelic Pretty's Magical Etolie and Milky Planet

We're nearing the end of sampling so again, any feedback is greatly appreciated! Quick reminder to fill out the Backerkit survey. On March 19, I'll start charging for the shipping, add-ons, and pre-orders starting on that date.


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