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Short Circuit: An Enamel Pin Collection

user avatar image for CZGoldEdition

Nature meets technology in this enamel pin collection inspired by the aesthetics of Printed Circuit Boards (PCB)!

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4 days ago
Short Circuit Launches in 9 Days & Collab Reveal!
Hey robot appreciators – We’re closing in on launch with just under 9 days left to go! I wanted to pop in and share that I received new sample photos from the manufacturer ...
8 days ago
Unit Line: Water
Hey again robot enthusiasts -- I'm tickled to be able to reach out to you again so soon and say we've achieved (and exceeded) 250 follows on the Short Circuit pre-launch cam...
10 days ago
15 Days Until Short Circuit Launches!!
Howdy there lovely robot loving critters!! Thank you for being here and following Short Circuit, your interest means so so much to me and really helps boost the chances of u...

Technology is far from the antithesis of the natural world. We look to nature for design, fashioning aircraft in accordance with the dynamics of birds and solar panels after the scales on a butterfly’s wings. The aesthetic of this collection carries on in this tradition, illustrating animals and elements in the style of Printed Circuit Boards (PCB).

Head that says, "Unit Line: Earth".

Photos of four enamel pin samples featuring a snarling wolf, cat, mouse, and leaves designed to resembled Printed Circuit Boards (PCB). Text in the bottom left reads "manufacturer pin sample photos".

In accordance with user demand, several lines of elemental units may become available for acquisition. The series is called Short Circuit as these little robots don't quite function as intended, but they put their whole electronic hearts into their tasks regardless!

The boards pictured in the banner and pin samples above are the Earth Unit Line - Byte, Circat, Nibble, and Leaf! Here's a peek at the Fire Unit Line - Hex, Cloud, Mozzy, and Firewall:

Teaser image of four pin designs, all of them designed to look like orange PCB: a goat, eagle, fox, and flame. Text on the top reads "Unit Line: Fire".

And finally, the elegant Water Unit Line - Torrent, Array, Zip, and DDoS!

Teaser image of four pin designs, all of them designed to look like blue PCB: a swan, vampire squid, butterfly, and wave. Text on the top reads "Unit Line: Water".

Following this pre-launch page helps me bring these delightful little bot-boards online and physically into your homes. If you love these designs, word of mouth to spread this campaign would be the most incredible assistance. Thank you so much for your interest and support!