Or more like, letters from the future. I hope you all enjoyed the in character updates during the campaign! WE FUNDED!!! And hit some stretch / community goals to boot. I’m work...
6 months ago
Letters from the Frontier, #21
Time is of the essence, matron, so I’ll make this message quick! Your gold was safely delivered via portal, giving me the resources to survive in Crownhill. For that, I am most ...
6 months ago
Lazaro’s Diary (September 12, 1893)
A week in the White City, but I’m no closer to rescuing Nicolette. Thankfully, Wolfgang and his men were able to secure some extra firepower for me before I enter the vampire’s ...
6 months ago
Lazaro’s Diary (September 6, 1893)
I’ve arrived. If I’ll survive is yet to be determined.
Thankfully, my smugglers got what I needed just in time. But it’s only enough to find my target, not carry out my secret...
6 months ago
Letters from the Frontier, #5 (NSFW)
Greetings Matron,
By sunrise, I will arrive at Crownhill, ready to face the supernatural entity that resides there. The conductor of this ghostrail is an overly chatty fellow, ...
Or more like, letters from the future. I hope you all enjoyed the in character updates during the campaign! WE FUNDED!!! And hit some stretch / community goals to boot. I’m working with BackerKit to figure out how to send the survey to get your rewards, which is much more involved and confusing than I first imagined. So sorry that is taking so long to send. Also, my partner Shiloh will be sending out the cross collab reward on my behalf so don’t worry when it’s not in your package! More updates soon, including a date for a livestream! And since the carnies won the trivia challenge, I’ll have something special for you all soon as well.
Time is of the essence, matron, so I’ll make this message quick! Your gold was safely delivered via portal, giving me the resources to survive in Crownhill. For that, I am most grateful.
I will host a magic lesson, as you commanded, once I am home. And yes, yes, I give you permission to record it too.
I’ve been in touch with a fellow traveler, Shiloh Walker, who will share her most popular assassin manual with our coven and any new recruits before I’m scheduled to return home five days from now! *** (Current backers and backers within the final week will get a FREE eBook). It is always a pleasure to support other Sisters of the Sword.
Mark my words, matron, Jacob Mosley will be in his grave before midnight strikes and this ghost town will be freed.
For now, I lie in wait for the opportune hour one week from today. Until then, wait for me.
A week in the White City, but I’m no closer to rescuing Nicolette. Thankfully, Wolfgang and his men were able to secure some extra firepower for me before I enter the vampire’s blood den. But if I can get more… maybe Webster’s head can be skewered on a pike sooner rather than later.
+4 Comic Pages ($2,000) LOCKED 🔒
Merch Upgrade ($3,000) LOCKED 🔒
In the meantime, Ms. Button has brought me my target’s suitcase. It’s filled with some rather… peculiar items, and many volumes of literature. Some more entertaining than others. Most with a hint of romance, and all featuring their fair share of action and adventure.
I’ve thumbed through them for clues, and must say Ryan’s spectacular tale of time traveling to the Middle Ages kept me entertained. Brown’s grotesque horror was almost as thrilling as slaying real monsters, and a much safer thrill.
The final item in the suitcase was the most baffling of them all. A metallic feather 🪶 bookmark left at the scene of the crime. A distraction or a clue? I would think it belonged to Nicolette, but Button doesn’t recognize it. Her whole disappearance is a mystery yet to be unraveled. For now, I’ll keep the bookmark and all her possessions handy, and have a werewolf track her scent.
(Backers OR followers who answer all the polls correctly between now and the end of the campaign will enter a raffle to win a metallic feather bookmark created by my collab-partner! Are you Team Carnie or Automaton? The winning team at the end of the campaign will also get a secret special perk!)
I’ve arrived. If I’ll survive is yet to be determined.
Thankfully, my smugglers got what I needed just in time. But it’s only enough to find my target, not carry out my secret mission—eradicating the vampires too far gone to be tamed, under the control of R. W. Webster and his demented carnies.
For that, I’ll have to go underground, and work my connections.
But Chicago isn’t too bad, I suppose, despite the roving werewolf gangs, blood-drunk vampire junkies, and other oddities on the streets.
And while I don’t trust little Ms. Button, the freakshow’s leader, she’s been more helpful than I imagined she’d be.
She’s small in stature, but has a big heart. Button’s also a surprisingly talented artist, as well. She’s provided a sketch of Nicolette that has proven very helpful.
Let’s just hope I get to her before Roadkill kills her first.
By sunrise, I will arrive at Crownhill, ready to face the supernatural entity that resides there. The conductor of this ghostrail is an overly chatty fellow, but I don’t mind the living company much. It’s a welcome change from the chilly reception I’ve received from the living dead so far.
The Frontier remains more mystery than mapped, harsh and unforgiving. You and I both know the first forty-eight hours investigating a murder or disappearance is crucial. And, we are well aware that recruiting friends when facing demonic familiars is of equal importance.
So I’m sending you this letter in hopes that you can send reinforcements my way.
Finally, while I enjoyed the literature you placed in my suitcase, please reprimand Imperial Wizard Pierre swiftly! I know he was the last to possess that grimoire.
While thumbing through the historical document, vulgarities slipped from the pages and gave my fellow passengers quite a fright! I worried they’d meet their untimely ends a second time by the looks on their ghastly faces.
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Time is short, and so I must end my musings. Until we meet again, Dear Matron, I endeavor to never allow the Department of Magic and Alchemy to be disgraced. Your faith in my abilities fills me with gratitude more than you’ll ever know.