Dia Adams
6 months ago

Project Update: Update 08/18/2024 - 50 Backers!

Hello everybody! The campaign has been running for a little over a week and I just wanted to thank you all for the overwhelming support on this project! We are at 51 backers and around 92% funded. Being a plushie designer is something I've always dreamed of so our fiery boy being so close to fully funded so quickly means more to me than I can put into words. Thank you, thank you!!

As we get closer to the conclusion of the campaign I will be able to get a better idea on how long manufacturing and shipping will take, and I'll be able to provide some more concrete estimates. Do bear in mind that these dates may be subject to change due to delays, but I am going to do my best to keep this little orange guy on schedule! 

And an additional reminder, any extra funding beyond the goal will go towards making more plushie designs! Forest Felines Series One and Two are already in the works, so, keep that in mind if you want Forest Fire to have some friends in the future <3 




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