*14Dec UPDATE* - small hiccup with the smoke test surveys that was making people choose add-ons twice. I think it is corrected now. will wait another day for other backers to complete survey and see if it's fixed :)
Please fix your payment method if your campaign pledge charge has errored - there are over 30 of you with failed/errored pledges.
The "smoke test" for the surveys will go out today. This sends surveys to a random 5% of backers. If you are one of the lucky few, please let me know if there are any issues! Once this is successful, I will route the survey to everyone.
I know we are all busy this time of year, but please fill it out as soon as you can! The quicker I can get an idea of numbers, the quicker I can place all of the orders and get your stuff to you.
I'll be back to bug stragglers in a few days, but for now... MERRY GRYPHMAS!