Hey all!
Just wanted to send you a quick update since it has been a couple months. Shipping has been underway for a while now and is almost finished at 87%.
Your order may...
over 1 year ago
Shipping 1/3 Complete! Rest will ship by mid-October!
Hello everyone!
I've been so busy fulfilling orders that I forgot to update you on my progress - though you should all have seen a "lock address" email by now! All items are...
over 1 year ago
First shipment of plush is incoming! Turquoise, Blue, Green, & Yellow Parrotlets
Hello all, exciting news!
The shipment for the first four plush colors (Turquoise, Blue, Green, & Yellow Parrotlets) is arriving within the next week!
over 1 year ago
Cards Charging soon for shipping & add-ons!
Hey all,
Apologies for any slow replies, I've been busy at Anthrocon for the past week.
Just a quick reminder to everyone that cards will be charged for shipping and add-ons ...
over 1 year ago
Ready to lock orders!
Hey all,
Manufacturing has been started for ALL the plush! I am ready to start locking orders.
Locking an order just means that the items you have chosen in the survey can no ...
almost 2 years ago
Surveys Sent & Survey FAQ
Surveys are all sent! Please fill it in when you get a chance.
One question that I realized I had not addressed is when cards will be charged for shipping/add-ons added during...
Surveys are all sent! Please fill it in when you get a chance.
One question that I realized I had not addressed is when cards will be charged for shipping/add-ons added during the survey.
TIMELINE: I will LOCK the surveys on Friday, JUNE 30th - meaning you can no longer go in and make updates to your items in two weeks. I will send out a 48hr-reminder before this happens! I will then CHARGE CARDS on Friday, July 7th. There will also be a 48 hr reminder before this occurs in case you need to switch your card or make an update!
EDIT: Addresses will not be locked until ~1 week prior to shipping. Depending on your order items this will be any time between July and September. You will receive an email prior to shipping which gives a warning that the address will lock soon and allows you to edit your mailing address.
I will then be able to start shipping some of the pin-only orders in mid-July! Plush production is getting underway and I estimate I will start those as early as the beginning of August!
Just wanted to send you a quick update since it has been a couple months. Shipping has been underway for a while now and is almost finished at 87%.
Your order may be marked as shipped without any tracking movement for a few weeks! do not be alarmed! I sent out all tracking notifications together but I still have many orders that need to be packed.
apologies if you are in the last ~100 but it's going to take me a while more since right now I'm not doing super well at the moment - having some neck issues for the past couple weeks and now have a cold on top of that :( I will not be touching any plushies while I am sick!
I should still be able to complete it by the end of October - far ahead of my original timeline! Until this is finished I will not be opening my Etsy shop so I can prioritize backers here.
As always, if you have any questions about your order the best thing to do is to reach out to me directly at [email protected] - I usually miss or can't keep track of messages coming in from IG, twitter, facebook, etc.
Hope you have a great October! Rachel / Corviforms
I've been so busy fulfilling orders that I forgot to update you on my progress - though you should all have seen a "lock address" email by now! All items are now in my warehouse (basement).
Due to early ordering and TONS of help from family and friends we are already MORE THAN 1/3 finished fulfillment. It is still a LONG process - I discovered I have to steam EACH INDIVIDUAL PLUSH cause they are so wrinkly. lol. lmao. And it's mostly just me working on it so it does take some time.
But anyway, I can update the timeline and let you all know that I will ship all rewards by mid-October!
i gave myself a lot of wiggle room just in case...
Also wanted to note I have seen one error on the pack lists - almost everyone who backed both the Griffinch and this project accidentally got 2 pins listed on their packing list instead of just the 1! If you DID purchase an additional GriffinchxParrotlet pin it should say 3 or more on the pack list and I will include the correct amount.
If there are any errors with your order please let me know at [email protected] and I will work to fix it - I have trouble managing messages across multiple social media platforms so email is the correct way to get in touch with me!
I will be away vending at Furrydelphia this weekend from August 24th to 27th, and I will also be away for travel from September 7th to 12th.
Hope to have everything packaged and out to you ASAP!