Coco Glez
29 days ago

Project Update: Waiting for second color proof - Deadline pushed a little!

Hi everyone,  as I previously announced, I asked for color proofs of the pins so that I could match them best to the preview samples, but some of the designs needed adjustments.
I initially sent them a message about it, but it bounced back from their ibox (as the email thread was picture heavy) and I didn't realize that because I didn't get the usual error message!

Thankfully they confirmed reception of my requests when I contacted the manufacturer a second time about 10 days later, so I am now waiting for their next update with the corrected colors!

I am hoping that the pins will be ready this month, since the molds and everything is ready (it's only the colors that need changes), as soon as I have more news I will let you know.

This means that the initial timeline of shipping in September might have to be pushed back to mid-October, if everything goes well with this round. Don't worry about changes of address etc., since survey addresses won't be locked until the items are with me and ready to ship.

Thank you everyone for your patience!!
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