Exclusive eBook Backer (Enhanced Edition)

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    Digital Copy of Company Assassin Backerkit Special edition
This special edition e-book is only available to my BackerKit supporters!

What's Inside:
- A rebranded version of the original Company Assassin e-book
- A bonus scene [Exclusive]
- A personalized thank-you message from the author, acknowledging your support (to be collected in survey, you can choose if you want this in the version available to the world at large)

The Story:

In a world where time is unraveling, Duff Roman must navigate treacherous landscapes, rival factions, and ancient relics to rescue his friends and prevent catastrophic destruction. But when a Company Assassin is sent to eliminate him, Duff must use all his skills to stay one step ahead of his deadly adversary.

This exclusive edition is my way of saying thank you for your support. Enjoy!

Exclusive eBook Backer (Enhanced Edition)


6 Backers