Kisskisstine | Comics + Illustration
4 months ago

Project Update: Updated Fulfilment Timelines & (Backers only) Zine Updates!

Hello all!

Thank you all so much for your patience! It’s been a rough 1st half of the year and finally landed at a place to get back on production for getting BB & Bunny zine into your hands!
(ง •̀_•́)ง

Production for the zine is underway. Fulfilling 20 pages of a 24 page zine. (・ω<)
✨Backers get behind the scene on zine production and notes about my inspiration and process!✨
(So if you're a backer, see the bottom of this message for sneak peaks!)

The awaited updated timeline is below:

  • Mid-June to Late-July: Zine production.

  • Late July to Early August: Zine & Art Printing (for those who pledged within the first 72 hours!)

  • Early August: Surveys for shipping goes out.

  • Mid to Late August: Shipping goes out and into your hands!

I’ll be putting out updates over Backerkit on each page as they come! 🙂 Your engagement and support is super appreciated and helps me so much!

So please comment and like this post on Backerkit and/or engage with me on social medias (aka. shameless self plug ins) here: 


Again, thank you all for being the best human beings and giving your gracious patience for BB & Bunny to come alive!


Includes Backer-Exclusive Content




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