Midnight Springs
about 1 month ago

Project Update: We did it! + Moving forward

Hey everyone,

Thank you for your support! We reached the base goal and first stretch goal.

There is a 2-week gap between campaign end and receiving funds. Currently we have 4 errored payments totaling around $150. If all are still errored pledges by the end of that 2 week period, we are having to cut into our buffer in getting the 2nd colorway set produced. That is not necessarily a problem, but you will not be able to receive your pledge even if you fill out the survey if you do not fix your payment by the time of fulfillment. I hate to emphasize it like that, but there are always people who fill out the survey but never pay, it just happens all the time. 

Thank you again! Production will officially "begin" once the payment is secured and then the invoice paid. The 16G version of the Sakura and the faux version of the Roses still needs to be made, but that estimate was factored into our presumed timeline already, so hopefully it does not take long. 
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