CatHead Pins
10 months ago

Project Update: All Surveys Out & Launched Bag Kickstarter

Hello friends!
All surveys are published. Check your email to fill them out.
I'd like surveys to be fill out asap, but I won't lock the order or the addresses until the pins are in hand. I'll post an update about the locking of those when the pins get here.

Surveys help me decide how many to order so please please asap fill out your surveys. That way I can order the pins and get them out to you as soon as possible.

While that's happening I launched my Coffin Ita Bag and new designs kickstarter today!
Here's the link for those interested.
Coffin backpack kickstarter 
This campaign is dear to my heart because I've been selling my coffin clutches for several years, and my backpack for the past year. I'd love to bring new colors to those who want them so this is a great way to help get those colors funded! Also I have new designs in this kickstarter, coffin clear concert bag, cathedral clutch, planchette clutch. And a new pin design for those pin only fans of mine! 
I really appreciate all of yall! 

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