Hello and welcome to the first campaign update! Thank you all for your support. Let's keep climbing higher and higher!
Community Choice Poll
Sins of Our Mother includes 4 narrative dungeons that I'm super excited about. They're heavy with body horror and interesting paths. The Traitor Duchess & Estate of Undeath prototype is finished while Sickle City and Hospital of Quiet Minds (names pending) are entering the drafting phase.
But what's the fourth adventure, you ask? That's up to you! Check out our new Community Choice poll and vote for one of the following:
Stretch Goals
We've unlocked quite a few milestones, and it's high time I share a little more about what they are!
Radiant Cannon - $300
The most science-fiction Radiant Weapon in the VoB's arsenal. This thing doesn't pack a big punch by itself, but its attack can leap to nearby enemies with the Chain mechanic.
Chain 2 - This weapon’s attacks can ricochet to up to 2 additional targets. On a hit, attack another creature within 10 ft of the hit creature, and then again against another creature within 10 ft that hit creature. Missing an attack ends the chain.
Radiant Ballerina - $600
Elegance for the elegant! The Radiant Wire's dance is deadly for your enemies, and a source of life for your allies.
Euphoria Fighter - $900
The Euphoria Fighter embodies the sin of lust. She forsakes even her own flesh for those delicious and fleeting physical pleasures others spurn out of fear for their health. Nothing, not even loss of limb or life, can stop this woman's unbridled pursuit of mind melting ecstasy.
We also unlocked Overdose at $1500! This'll bring the Euphoria Fighter's drugs and other physical pleasures to all characters through a universal system. It's too soon to say what this will look like, but it'll add re-usable potion-like items to all players repertoire.
Sloth Druid - $1200
The Sloth Druid guards death's churn and ensures no life goes to waste, even in decay. They plant seeds in the cavities of corpses and spool carrion into materials for new life. Their dark kingdom is one of maggots and mushrooms, of regress and rot and rebirth.
Lazarus Myrtle (2nd level spell) ------------------------ You plant the seed of a Lazarus Myrtle on a space with a corpse within your Root Network range. At the beginning of the round, the tree births a Spore Pod. On your turn, the Spore Pod moves to the closest enemy and explodes, dealing 1d12 poison damage to all adjacent creatures who fail a Constitution save.
Project Update
One of my goals for Sins of Our Mother is to innovate on the traditional D&D layout. This is partly because Sins is all about transgression and breaking tradition, but also because of my own infatuation with modern design. In my opinion, the standard portrait layout doesn't play well with art or even really the body text.
To me, the information in RPG books tend to bleed together and quickly become difficult to parse. It's really telling that I turn to the web rather than flip open the book sitting right next to me.
A more modern and distinguishable layout will help readers parse information and stop what I call "text blob." The Sins PDF will also come with as many page links as possible to help readers move between sections without scrolling for an eternity. This'll be a huge help since Sins is already difficult to navigate.
What do you think of Catacolyte's more modern design? Too much or too different?