By Night Studios
8 months ago

Project Update: Short update about the unexpected delay update

As mentioned before, our shipment of the pocket-edition is expected to arrive in late August, and we’ll begin delivering the soft-cover book orders (along with add-ons) as soon as possible after that. We've got a dedicated team ready to package and send out your orders the moment the books arrive. Backers will receive their orders first, followed by shop pre-orders- backers, expect an address survey mid August! We will also post here before these go out.

We've explored the possibility of split shipping and found it challenging to ensure that no stretch goals or add-ons are missed, especially with the hardback and softback releases being just about two months apart. However, if you're eager to get the softback right away, please contact us at [email protected], and we'll do our best to accommodate your request. Please note that  separate shipping costs will apply.
For our international friends, combining shipments of both hardback and softback editions is likely the most cost-effective option. We're committed to making sure you receive your books in the best way possible!
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