Burning Light Press
2 months ago

Project Update: Pledge Manager Smoke Test

Hey Folks,

I hope everyone is kicking along well after a few weeks of festivities and new years celebrations. I know I feel tired and socialed out. And probably a kilo or two heavier let’s be honest.

Where We Are At?

Pledge Manager.
I’ve just sent out the Smoke Test for the pledge manager. This is a little behind schedule as I left it a dash to long to send off to the Backerkit team and had to wait till they were back from holidays. 

A Smoke Test is simply sending the survey out to 5% of each pledge level to check for any errors. Easier to fix with a few dozen people than a few hundred.

Once that’s come back all gold, I’ll send the survey out to everyone else.

Syndicate Wastrels.
At the moment I’m pouring through Stretch Goal creation and some re-designs on the main book. I’m quite hopeful for the end of the month for digital delivery. With that said, there is still art to finish and editing to go, so things could change.

Goodie Arrivals.
I’ve actually had some goodies arrive. The Early-Bird Magnet and Bookmark, as well as a test run of the Bounty Cards to see how they look. We’ve changed a few small things from what you see below, but in general it’s the same. In general, I think they all turned out awesome!

That’s it for now. Keep an eye on your emails for the Pledge Manager invite. If you have any issues, feel free to shoot me a message. Here or [email protected]

Next update will be in a few weeks once the digital files are ready.


- Dan.






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