Bunni's Boutique
4 days ago

Project Update: Surprise for ALL backers!

I would like to extend my sincerest apologies for the delays in this project. As this is my first experience with such an endeavor, I underestimated the time and dedication required to ensure its successful completion. Balancing time for this and my three jobs has been hectic, but I have put forth my best effort and things are moving along.

I have encountered challenges with certain manufacturers who are unable to provide the design elements I had initially envisioned. This has necessitated adjustments to my designs and the overall process. Do not fear, for I have ensured the designs remain as true to their original intent as closely as possible! It's simply the tongue on each mimic that has inspired trouble with my manufacturers. One manufacturer misled me, while another offered a solution... so I'm going with the solution!

I do apologize for any inconvenience these delays may have caused, and I appreciate your support and thank you for your continued patience. Please hang in there! I do have a SURPRISE offering for the supporters of this campaign. Consider this a much deserved token of my gratitude to all of you! 

BEHOLD MY LOVE! Free pin with each pin tier! Thank you... you deserve this murderous heart!

In the future of my pin projects, I shall endeavor to produce the samples for the pins prior to accepting funding so that I may more quickly deliver them to my beloved supporters. I also have made many direct contacts in the industry and am VERY confident I'll be able to be much quicker in the future. NO MORE WAITING!

From my toothy heart to yours,
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