Bully Pulpit Games
7 days ago

Project Update: We Funded!

Hey, we funded! Thank you to everyone whose enthusiasm has brought us to this juncture! If you’ve backed the game, or shared our story, thank you very much. 

On the other hand, Zhenya is a little upset that we’ve defied her grim prediction about our inevitable failure, so maybe all bets are off. “So you’ve funded,” they told me earlier, “So what. Big deal. You will never reach $18,000. You will never prove to me that people like what you do. You are a worm, Morningstar, and not the good kind of worm.

So, yeah. Like a broken record, that’s Zhenya.

We’ve just scratched the surface on what we want to do with this game, so stick around for more highlights as we start nailing down the production details. And please tell your friends! We are absolutely depending on your excitement to help us make Zhenya’s Wonder Tales as good as it can possibly be. 

Thanks again!  

-- Jason

May your crowdfunding become a catastrophic success. -Zhenya






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