about 1 month ago

Project Update: Dummies have arrived (Spray Edges Preview!)

If you know anybody who'd like to get in on this, our pre-order store is now open.

Meanwhile, we did say the next update wouldn't be until we got the advance copies, but dang if this stage isn't interesting enough that we're breaking that vow by sharing the following:

Part of the production process is the "dummy" stage, where the printer sends us blank copies of the physical formats for a book so we can make sure we're happy with the dimensions, paper quality, and other things you can't check in a picture or a file.

Here's a classic Conan paperback for comparison with the softcover (middle) and hardcover (right).

Now let's check out that spray edge (found on soft AND hardcovers)...

...and the white bookmark ribbon on the hardcover (which looks a bit silvery against the purple).

Double-Edged Sword & Sorcery uses a different kind of paper, something that felt more "classic paperback" to us, than our magazine New Edge Sword & Sorcery but just for fun here's a comparison of their color & grain:

Remember, if you know anybody who'd like to get in on this, our pre-order store is now open.

We're still finalizing our timeline, but it's looking like April will be the month that we begin shipping books out. 

We'll update you on this when we next have something fun to share with you about the production of this beautiful book!

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