Whimsycraft Works
5 months ago

Project Update: Three Days to Gooo!

Good evening backers! :D

We're on the last stretch of the journey here, only 65 hours to go! If you've been waiting to back, now is the time before we reach the end of our adventure with the Fungal Familiars. This has been such an exciting campaign, and there's still much fun to be had!

There are still 6 whole *SHINY* friends to unlock and we're sooo close to the next one. Thank you so much for participating in our polls! It's been such a joy reading your comments and engaging with you, as well as seeing which Familiars you love the most. :3

We're back now from our latest convention, Island Fancon, and are working hard on the custom design pin for the lovely Murrimi! <3 If you're interested in getting your own custom Fungal Familiar pin, now is the time to sign up under Pledge Levels.

The custom pin pledge includes 20 pins total! Our standard offer is 10 custom pins, and 10 pins from the campaign (including shinies), but you're free to customise these amounts! Do you want the full 20 to be your custom pin? Go for it! Maybe you'd rather have 15 custom pins, and 5 campaign pins? That's great! The choice is all yours. :)

Some of you had some fantastic ideas that you shared in the comments with us! Please share with us if you have more ideas. We'd love to hear them!

Please share our page far and wide so we can get those last stretch goals unlocked!

With love and gratitude,

Morgan & Michael
user avatar image for Bookwyrm Games




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