Just a quick update: The Survey debacle, (all my fault), has been fixed. Everyone was sent their survey and 90% of you have already filled out your survey!! Thank you!!
In case, you haven't filled out your survey or would like to check, here's the link to recover your survey: https://underworld-tabletop-rpg-fantasy-adventures-inspired-by.backerkit.com/
Things are going great on the Underworld front. Issues 1 & 2 have been written playtested and through the layout process, and are just awaiting a final editing pass. Issue 3 has been playtested, written, and is just awaiting layout, then final editing. Things are getting really close now. :)
In other news:
We Die Young - Supernatural Retro Roleplaying in the 1990s for Old-School Essentials and SURVIVE THIS!! Ultimate Edition rulesets launches tomorrow.