Blinking Birch Games
8 months ago

Project Update: July Update - On Schedule!

July Update

It's been over a month since the end of the campaign for Death of the Author. Here's what's happened since then!

  • I wrote the additional sections of the game (i.e., two-player modification) and revised prompts based on feedback from playtesters.
  • Marx finished their first editing pass with some excellent suggestions. I'm currently working through their edits - it's exciting to see the text get better and better!
  • James is continuing to work on the game's layout so he's ready to go when Marx and I pass him the final text.
  • Victor and I chatted about art direction for the additional art piece of an Author, and he's started sketching this new piece.

Overall, we're on-track with our timeline of mailing out the games by the end of October. I'll keep you posted if there's any delays in the future. If all continues to go well, Backerkit surveys will likely be sent out in August (or September at the latest). These surveys will collect shipping costs & mailing addresses, and allow you to add on extras to your pledge.

Also, if you (or someone you know) missed the campaign, you can still visit the pre-order store - pre-order payments will be collected in Aug/Sept, and will be shipped out around the same time as the regular pledges.

That's all for now! I'll be back with another update in a few weeks.

Until next time.
~ Sam Leigh, the Author 




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