Latest from the Creator
Big Bad Con
8 months ago
One week left: Nominate Games for the PoC Lounge Games Library
As part of introducing the PoC Lounge at Big Bad Con this year, the Special Events Team is creating a library of TTRPGs by PoC (people of color) designers to have available in t...
Big Bad Con
8 months ago
WOW! Record-Breaking Year For Our Scholarship Thanks To You!
We have some amazing news to share with you all, thanks to your generous donations to our scholarship fund we were able to make 124 offers to our applicants! Our goal this year ...
Big Bad Con
8 months ago
Special Event Submissions Update (July 31st)
Big Bad Con always has a huge offering of TTRPGs, playtests, LARPs, boardgames, and panels. In addition, Big Bad Con hosts a few weird and beautiful events throughout the week...
Big Bad Con
8 months ago
Don't Forget to Fill Out Your BackerKit Survey And Claim Your Badge!
Hello, y'all! If you're like me, you've forgotten that you need to fill out a BackerKit survey to get your ticket. This is your reminder to get that BBC 2024 Backer survey in b...
Big Bad Con
9 months ago
LAST DAY to get Big Bad TTRPG and Fiction Bundles on DriveThruRPG!
Our fabulous friends over at DriveThruRPG have teamed up with more than 20 publishers with two new Big Bad Bundles to raise funds for our scholarship and other programs! Check o...
Big Bad Con
9 months ago
Look out for Surveys! Activate your Big Bad Con badge!
Hi, everybody! This year we had our biggest crowdfunding event ever, thanks to your amazing support! Thanks again for all of your love, hype, and help. We have some really fun ...
Big Bad Con
8 months ago

Project Update: One week left: Nominate Games for the PoC Lounge Games Library

As part of introducing the PoC Lounge at Big Bad Con this year, the Special Events Team is creating a library of TTRPGs by PoC (people of color) designers to have available in the Lounge all con long! We have opened up a submission form for you to nominate your own or your favorite games by PoC designers for the Special Events Team to consider adding to the library. You can find the game nomination form here.

The deadline for nominations is Monday, August 5th.


Do I have to be a person of color (Black, Indigenous, Person of Color) to nominate my game?
Anyone can nominate a game for consideration, however we respectfully request that any games submitted are written by a single PoC designer/all or majority PoC design team.

How long should my game be?
We would like to encourage "pick up and play" games in the PoC Lounge so shorter games (1 to 20 pages) are best. Quickstart guides to longer games are encouraged. We may consider longer games if they are considered "rules lite".

Do I have to have attended Big Bad Con or Big Bad Online before to submit my game?
No, previous attendance is not necessary and we will not be checking to see if any designers on the game have been to Big Bad Con before.

Can I nominate my own games?
As long as the game matches and fits the qualifications above (shorter game written by a PoC or majority PoC team), then yes! Please submit your games!

The game I want to submit is digital only. Can I still submit it? 
Yes! Please note games that don't have a physical version to purchase will be printed by Big Bad Con for use in the PoC Lounge. No other copies will be printed or distributed. 
How will I know if my game was chosen?
Due to a limited budget, we can't buy every game submitted, but we will do our best to buy games from a variety of creators. Unfortunately we don't have the capacity to notify you as to whether your submission was purchased or not at this time.

For more information, please see the game submission form, which is available here.

If you have further questions, reach out to the Special Events Team at specialevents(at)





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Big Bad Con
8 months ago

Project Update: WOW! Record-Breaking Year For Our Scholarship Thanks To You!

We have some amazing news to share with you all, thanks to your generous donations to our scholarship fund we were able to make 124 offers to our applicants! Our goal this year was to offer 100, and we nearly doubled last year's (already very nice) scholarship total of 69. 

We are so grateful to you all for supporting our community and helping us bring so many more marginalized folks to come enjoy the con with us.

As always, you are amazing and we appreciate you!





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Big Bad Con
8 months ago

Project Update: Special Event Submissions Update (July 31st)

Dino Karaoke circa 2019

Big Bad Con always has a huge offering of TTRPGs, playtests, LARPs, boardgames, and panels. In addition, Big Bad Con hosts a few weird and beautiful events throughout the weekend that defy these categories, called special events. In the past this has included events like the Big Bad Fashion Show and Dino Karaoke.

Do you have a special event in mind? The special events team wants your submissions! Below are some tips and guidelines if you’d like to submit a special event to us:

What makes a good special event for Big Bad Con? What is the team looking for?

The team is looking for fun community events where everyone can participate! Performances without a participatory component don't have a strong audience at Big Bad, but if events involve the entire crowd we'd love to have them! Please note that due to the Public Health Policy, we cannot hold events where food and drink is served.

Crafting get togethers (fiber arts), karaoke, or poetry readings (ones that aren't secretly bingo!) are events we have loved, which we don’t have (yet!) this year.

Where can I hold my special event?

We have a variety of spaces across the convention, from panel rooms to the Poolside Pavilion.

Where do I submit a special event?

Event submissions, including special events, are open until July 31st. You can submit your events HERE.

What special events can we look forward to in 2024?

This year you can look forward to The Big Bad Masked Masquerade from special goal guest Nala J. Wu and Tokyo Music Station II: Return Trip from con staff Andy Munich.





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Big Bad Con
8 months ago

Project Update: Don't Forget to Fill Out Your BackerKit Survey And Claim Your Badge!

Hello, y'all!

If you're like me, you've forgotten that you need to fill out a BackerKit survey to get your ticket. This is your reminder to get that BBC 2024 Backer survey in because after July 31, 2024 we will not be able to guarantee fulfillment on physical rewards for BackerKit. Make sure you fill that survey out by July 31 to ensure we'll have your reward ready for you at the convention! Unfortunately, we cannot ship any physical rewards, so getting a badge and attending the convention is the only way to get that sweet, sweet swag.

Speaking of badges...

If you purchased a badge, you should get a Badge Claim Code in your Digital Downloads after you fill out your survey. In order to redeem your badge you must use the Badge Claim Code we provide you. Each Badge Claim Code is unique and can only be used once, so make sure you associate your code with the appropriate Big Bad Con account. If you are receiving multiple badges, make sure you associate each Claim Code with the Big Bad Con account it should belong to. 

To claim a badge:

  1. Fill out your BackerKit Survey to receive your Badge Claim Code(s) via your Digital Downloads
  2. Login to your Big Bad Con account at
  3. Click "Claim Your Badge" when prompted upon login 
  4. Enter your Badge Claim Code to claim your badge! Make sure to enter only one code (thus claiming one badge)!
  5. If you have more than one badge to claim, repeat steps 2-4 for each badge-holder's Big Bad Con account separately. Make sure you're logged into the right account before entering the code!

If you encounter any problems with this or have any questions, please reach out to us at [email protected] or via our Discord.

Don't forget to fill out your surveys soon and claim your swag! And remember: only use one Badge Claim Code per account.

We can't wait to see you in October!





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Big Bad Con
8 months ago

Project Update: LAST DAY to get Big Bad TTRPG and Fiction Bundles on DriveThruRPG!

Our fabulous friends over at DriveThruRPG have teamed up with more than 20 publishers with two new Big Bad Bundles to raise funds for our scholarship and other programs! Check out the 2024 Big Bad Bundles to see all of the amazing items available.

These bundles are only available until Sunday (today!), so pick them up while you still can! We wouldn't want you to miss out on these amazing collections.

Our big bad gratitude to DriveThruRPG and all of the publishers for their generosity and hard work on these!





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