All available Add-ons
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Scholarship Contribution
$20110 purchasedFunds collected from this add-on will go towards providing free badges and subsidizing travel expenses for attendees who would otherwise not be able to attend.Edit -
Big Bad Digital Game Bundle
$2538 purchasedAdd a digital bundle of zine games created just for Big Bad Con. Amazing games from April Kit Walsh, Caro Asercion, Stras Achimovic, Rae Nedjadi, Aaron Catano-Saez, Lyla Fujiwara, and Adam McConnaughey.Edit -
Sponsor a Room
$10015 purchasedWe'll name one of the private gaming rooms after you or a cause you support. Everyone who plays a game in that room will have you to thank!Edit -
Mega Scholarship
$10045 purchasedLike the scholarship, only bigger! Funds collected from this add-on will go towards providing free badges and subsidizing travel expenses for attendees who would otherwise not be able to attend.Edit -
Convention Sponsorship
$5204 purchasedBecome one of our our official convention sponsors. Your contribution will be split between supporting the general funds and our scholarship program. Every attendee at the con will know they have you to thank for making Big Bad Con happen!Edit