We did it! I want to thank everyone for joining us on this miniaturized adventure
In the next two weeks backerkit will process payments for your pledge, and I will...
Baby Bestiary
12 days ago
24-Hour Countdown
Hey all!
I just got back from the snow, and I brought my camera with my to take some snow pictures!!! a
and so to celebrate our 24 (technically its 28hrs) Lets have a loo...
Baby Bestiary
about 1 month ago
Keychains are funded!!
Hey all,
Just a quick update!! We've already reached our funding goa!l! Which means we hit our production minimums for the keychains (which is a great thing)!
I was sti...
Baby Bestiary
about 1 month ago
Hey everyone!!
Thanks so much for joining and bringing these keychains to life!!
Huzahh!! We did it! I want to thank everyone for joining us on this miniaturized adventure
In the next two weeks backerkit will process payments for your pledge, and I will be working on the backer portal to make sure we nail down counts and collect addresses. When its done ill do another post and let you know the survey is coming.
And on the production side, since the manufacturer is back from Lunar New Year, we can back up our work with them and get the ball rolling!
Hey all! I just got back from the snow, and I brought my camera with my to take some snow pictures!!! a and so to celebrate our 24 (technically its 28hrs) Lets have a look at these cuties!
Which was your favorite??
Also, if you haven't checked out! We've got three new pins! (owlbear, dragon turtle and phoenix)! We've since added Pin and Keychain packs as pledge levels and addons
Times running out, and thank you everyone for the support.
Will there be a different pledge tier for the dragon turtle and phoenix keychains individually, in case someone wants to pledge for only 1 or 2 and *doesn't* want an owlbear?