Continuing with Snap Dragon. We've got our cherry blossom scene, with all the little critters having a picnic in a meadow. my main feedback on this (second pass sketch) was to build out more of the back of the shop, with picnic benches, so its more of a meadow in the back.
Also, here is very early interior-view sketch of Ice Cube, Overall, I like the direction, I was initially torn about this elemental and the one shown on the outside piece being the same; major addition will be a little dragon turtle plushie on the deck (or in the window). but once things start cleaning up, we'll probably have another tweak.
Stretch Extras With every calendar we do, typically after 10k we start producing other things to accompany your calendar, in prior years Its been magnets, stickers, bookmarks, coloring books etc. We did have an excellent recommendation by one of our backers for event stickers for our calendars, and i would love to hear what sort of events you'd like included? (doing just the text would work, but I'm thinking we could try illustrating little things, like an owlbear with a birthday hat, that says "Happy Birthday!" and doing a few different beasts). Just an idea for now, but curious to what everyone thinks (and what event/creature combos, you guys would love to see).
Hope everyone had a great weekend! and thank you all for the support, Andreas