Kristina Kelly
26 days ago

Project Update: Launched and Zooming - Strech Goals Initiated!

Wow! Thank you for your support of Imaginari. In the first 24 hours this project:

  • Reached funding goal!
  • Unlocked a stretch goal (At $350, everyone who backed at the Dreamer level now gets the ebook included with their pledge!)
  • Added new stretch goal

Since we've reached the initial goal of $300, and perhaps I underestimated who would be interested, I've added more Achievements, including if we reach $500 I will record an audio book and every backer at Dreamer level or higher will get a copy included with their pledge.

To get to these goals, share the word and let your peers, friends, and family become backers too and help us unlock more perks! And, if they back in the next *glances at clock* 18 hours they'll get the bonus sticker and short story ebook like you did.

I'm also interested in what other perks you'd like to see added as we move the funding bar up, up, up. At $400, what should we add? Another sticker? An Imaginari pen? Let me know your ideas. 

And which back to the Imaginari bookmark do you want? Vote in the poll! Each is a quote from a poem in the book.

And thanks for going on this journey. I hope Imaginari sparks wonder and creativity in you.

3 votes • Final results
If we raise $500, I will record an audio book of Imaginari and every pledge level Dreamer and higher will get a copy.
Goal: $396 / $500
We need $104 more to reach this goal.




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