Kristina Kelly
1 day ago

Project Update: Print Preview Has Arrived!

I cannot express how excited I am to show you glimpses of the final product! The print preview of Imaginari arrived and the quality it perfect. It put my mind at ease for the photographs shining - and they do (almost literally). For those who backed the physical version, you will love it!

There's still time to add on a copy for gifts to others, or if you only snagged the ebook before you could switch to a level that has the print version.

I'll be reviewing the contents for any last minute fixes and then I'm about a month from release. Once the campaign ends, I'll order the stickers and bookmarks everyone is getting.

Please tell everyone you know and share on social media! I'd love to get 20 backers before this closes in 4 days.

Now, for the preview!

If we raise $500, I will record an audio book of Imaginari and every pledge level Dreamer and higher will get a copy.
Goal: $426 / $500
We need $74 more to reach this goal.




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