Austin Martini
about 1 year ago

Project Update: Unveiling Beauty Progress and Shipping

Hey all,

Thank you again for your support of my first book published on BackerKit: Unveiling Beauty. I'm about 90% ready with your rewards, just a few minor edits to the book design and finishing the final touches of the BTS video.

I have run into one issue with processing the rewards, and that is how to charge for shipping. Normally, BackerKit handles that at the time of sending you a reward survey. Unfortunately, the credit card processor has denied our ability to charge cards because of "sexually explicit" content. I don't believe my content is sexually explicit, and they are in the wrong for viewing the naked human body through this lens. But despite appeals by me and BackerKit, the ability to charge through them has been denied.

So, what do we do? Currently, I plan to set up a website where you will be able to get your reward(s) for free and just pay for shipping as needed based on your location. I will know more in about a week and will let you know the next steps on how I'll be getting your rewards to you.

We are still on track, and I do believe you should receive your rewards in April as planned or even before.

Thank you for your understanding and support in this matter. Next time, this part of the process will be fixed.





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