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Audiobook of Nightbane Dark Designs
$231 purchasedNightbane® Dark Designs™ is a guide to creating the Nightbane and a sourcebook for players and Game Masters alike. It presents all sorts of new Nightbane creation tables, new Morphus tables, new Talents, and new information. Info and powers that enable players to make memorable Nightbane characters and G.M.s to take their games up a notch.Edit -
Audiobook of Traveller Core Rulebook
$230 purchasedThis is Free Trader Beowulf, calling anyone… Mayday, Mayday… We are under attack… Main drive is gone… Turret number one not responding… Mayday… Losing cabin pressure fast, calling anyone… Please help… This is Free Trader Beowulf… …Mayday… Fully Updated and Revised. Traveller is a science fiction roleplaying game of bold explorers and brave adventurers. The Traveller Core Rulebook contains everything you need to create one of these adventures and begin exploring the galaxy. Spaceports, ancient civilisations, air/rafts, cold steel blades, laser carbines, far distant worlds, and exotic alien beasts – this is the futuristic universe of Traveller, the original and classic science fiction roleplaying game. Come visit the far future. Traveller Core Rules audiobook narrated by Michelle MosleyEdit -
Audiobook of Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Core Rules
$180 purchasedSavage Worlds Adventure Edition is a Fast! Furious! and Fun! rules system for any genre of roleplaying game. Create your own setting, convert an existing one, or pick up one of our amazing settings like Deadlands, Rippers or 50 Fathoms. The rules give players plenty of depth to create their characters and keep bookkeeping to a minimum for the Game Master. If you’re looking for a game that’s fast and easy to set up, run, and play, Savage Worlds is for you! Savage Worlds handles pulp action, gritty noir, supers, hard scifi, space opera, horror, and anything you can imagine! Savage Worlds Adventure Edition is the latest version of Savage Worlds. Savage Worlds Adventure Edition audiobook narrated by Michelle MosleyEdit -
Audiobook of Space 1889 After
$280 purchasedEverything Jules Verne could have written.... Everything H.G. Wells should have written.... Everything A. Conan Doyle thought but never published because it was too fantastic! Space 1889: After makes it a reality! Space 1889: After is the next iteration of Space 1889—the popular steampunk tabletop game—with new rules, new possibilities, and new stories to tell. London 1899 The Victorian Age in Space 1889 was marked by astounding discoveries that opened the strange, inhabited worlds of Mars and Venus to exploration and colonization. Space 1889: After takes place ten years later, after war and disaster separated the worlds for a time. Now, adventurers must risk the perils of space to explore other worlds and fight new enemies that lurk in the ether. Space 1889 appeared at the dawn of the steampunk movement. The boilerplate hulls of aerial gunboats and the hardy ethernauts who braved the dark reaches of space developed in parallel with the aesthetic so many know and love. In many ways, Space1889's iconic art helped define the genre’s aesthetic! You'll find no magic here, rather science behaves as the eccentric geniuses of the period imagined it did. Combined with the influence of ancient alien technologies, almost anything is possible. As original designer Frank Chadwick puts it: "this is science as the Victorians saw science."EditIncludes 1 item
×1Space 1889 After Audiobook