Atomik Cupcake Designs
6 months ago

Project Update: Pins Are Here! 😃

Hey everyone! I apologize for the delay in updates... I've been updating on my social media, but this platform is a bit harder to get to the update page and I kept putting it off. 😅 But the pins are in hand, and they look SO GOOD. The keychains are allegedly shipped, though I'm having a time getting my manufacturer to communicate this time around. Stickers will be made by me, and I'll start doing that in the next couple days!

For those without keychains in their pledge, orders will begin to ship at the end of the week!

Here's some manufacturer photos of the pins before they were shipped to me! The only picture I didn't receive was for Penelope the pony, so I'll add one of those on social media as well. Be sure to follow @atomikcupcakedesigns on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok if you want more frequent updates!





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