DOMUS MAGNA (Retailer Only)

  • ×3
    Ars Magica Definitive Edition Set (Physical)
  • ×2
    Storyguide Screen + Reference Guide Set (Physical)
  • ×1
    Digital Freebies
In our retailer tier, you'll be pledging to get 3 Ars Magica Definitive Edition sets, PLUS 2 sets of the Storyguide Screen packaged for retail with the Reference Guide inside.

💰The tier is priced at your normal retail discount of 50%. Pledging today ensures your store gets Ars Magica Definitive Edition at the crowdfunding price (distribution MSRP will likely be higher). Our sales team will reach out close to fulfillment to confirm your order.

🛍️ Customize your pledge when our sales manager contacts you just before fulfillment. Once we verify your retailer status, you’ll get access to order all the add-ons at your retailer discount (see for terms).

🎁 As a retailer-only stretch goal, if we hit 20 retail backers you'll get 10 FREE copies of the Mythic Europe Poster Map!

DOMUS MAGNA (Retailer Only)


20 Backers