Great News! Shipping has been officially restored between the US and Canada! As of yesterday, all remaining 12 Canadian orders were taken and dropped off at my local post office. Thank you so much for your patience, everyone.
There are still (4) stragglers who have not reached out to complete their surveys yet via Backerkit, and (4) people who have not fixed their declined payment. You have 4 Days Left, to update before I close the pledge manager permanently. The clock started 26 Days ago, and it's been 8 months since the surveys went out. Please, please look at your inboxes!
I do not have the storage capacity to hold onto rewards indefinitely.
The remaining pins will go into the Etsy shop by this Saturday. I'll finally have time to start adding them, and I feel better about doing so now that the last 12 packages are moving on to their new homes.