Deadline Extended: Last Call for Pre-Orders and Surveys
Hi Everyone!!
So the deadline to make your final selections before the Pre-Order Store closes, and Surveys are due has been extended until Monday March 17th.
Click here t...
15 days ago
Don't forget to Update your Payment Information!
Hi Everyone,
Hope everyone is doing well. I've been a bit MIA with some health issues, and overtime at work, but I wanted to make sure that I let everyone know that there a...
24 days ago
Surveys Are Out! Pre-Order Store is OPEN
Hi Everyone!
Apologies for the delay, but the surveys are out for our wonderful backers, and the Pre-Order Store is OPEN! I wanted to give us as much time as possible to unl...
29 days ago
Thank You!! Next Steps...
Hi Everyone!
Phew! Let's all shake out the stress and celebrate FUNDING 6 pins during the LIVE campaign! Thank you everyone for your amazing words of support, especially dur...
about 1 month ago
Bad News and Good News
It's the last 48 HOURS
We have some sad news, and some possibly great news for our current backers!
First, I want to thank each and every one of you who didn't give up...
about 1 month ago
Strawberry Milkshake Tiger has been UNLOCKED!
Hi Everyone!
We have 4 days left to the LIVE campaign, and we're finally past the "retention" period where we would normally have a lot of fluctuation. As long as we s...
We have some sad news, and some possibly great news for our current backers! First, I want to thank each and every one of you who didn't give up on me or this project. Your support kept me motivated to continue on with the campaign. <3 The bad news, we have gone through quite a ride, and it looks like we will not fund the Strawberry Ita Bag, so please adjust your pledges accordingly if you're still here.
These bags below, I do have physically in stock and you can switch over to these instead if you would like, but the Strawberry Ita bag has been defunded, and looks like it's not meant to be.
This was my second attempt at funding these types of bags that were less bulky, less heavy, but held as much as my old ita bags did, and I'm taking note that I should only make pins from now on.
The good news, is that if we at the very least stay funded... BARE MINIMUM of staying funded... I can continue with the surveys and open the Pre-Order Store/send out surveys to backers where you can directly add-on for any of the characters that we didn't get a chance to unlock. This will give all of you complete control over what will be funded. (example below)
I will admit that I'm going through some big feels about the past 2 years of developing and making the bags and artwork, so once we have a final tally on what will move forward in the surveys, I'll be archiving my Fauna Fruits pin and bag collections for the foreseeable future. No new Fauna Fruit pins. I'll continue to apply the artwork elsewhere, but it won't be coming back to crowdsourcing anytime soon. The big feels are telling me I need to move on and find a new source of joy to put effort into, so I'm looking forward to the 3 other pin projects that have absolutely nothing to do with this IP lol. So let's finish off the next 48 hrs as best as possible and celebrate with a very very long nap and ibuprofen lol. To new beginnings!
We still have not officially unlocked any additional pins besides the 7, so the extension is for a number of reasons:
1. I want to have a conversation with my manu to see if I can stretch the funds to include a couple of the pins, that were not unlocked, like the Snake and the Fox. (No promises, but maybe we can make it happen)
2. Before I charge anyone's card for the final payment, I have to remove all of the pins and bags that are not being funded. I cannot do this on my own, and I will have to reach out to Backerkit to make this change. It's easier to do it on a Monday, just in case something comes up and they can't help on the same day...I would have to wait til after the weekend, so might as well use it to our advantage. I think you may still be able to adjust your surveys on your own. *Please note that even if you added your card information, your cards have not been charged yet for this part of the survey. Which means that you will not be charged for an item that needs to be deleted because it was not funded. It gets removed from your cart.*
3. I still have 14 missing surveys. So please keep in mind that if I don't know what you want by March 17th, I am still moving ahead with the order. Everyone who has answered will get priority and what they want, and I will order a few extra, but I can't guarantee that I'll have what you specifically wanted. I'll be ordering in the next day or two afterwards, and I would LOVE for you to be counted and not have to work with what's left over after all the other backers who completed their surveys are helped.
*Newly unlocked pins in the Pre-Order Store cannot be swapped out for the pins that were unlocked during the LIVE campaign. Once the surveys go out to backers, making changes to it can cause issues that affect everyone on the campaign* Stay Sparkly -Ashley
Hope everyone is doing well. I've been a bit MIA with some health issues, and overtime at work, but I wanted to make sure that I let everyone know that there are 11 backers who have not updated their payment information, and we're missing $360 from the original campaign, NOT from the Add-On/Pre-Order Store. If Backerkit has been reaching out to you, with a reminder, please follow that link to update as soon as you can.
We have 15 days left before the Pre-Order Store Closes.
Apologies for the delay, but the surveys are out for our wonderful backers, and the Pre-Order Store is OPEN! I wanted to give us as much time as possible to unlock the Tiger Bag, or any of the other enamel pins. For the bag specifically, since it's now in the Pre-Order Store instead of the Campaign, it will not affect anything else. If we don't make the goal, I'll make the call if it's super close. If it's nowhere near what we need, we'll remove it before cards are charged for extras and shipping.
Phew! Let's all shake out the stress and celebrate FUNDING 6 pins during the LIVE campaign! Thank you everyone for your amazing words of support, especially during the last 48 hrs. And thank you for making this campaign possible for a small business like mine. We may not have been able to fund the Strawberry Milkshake Ita bag yet, but we have a second chance coming up.
I'll have more updates coming soon about the Pre-Order Store.