Straya Obscura
19 days ago

Project Update: New photos and launch date!

Hey everyone! Straya here to let you all know what is going on. I did not realize these updates could be utilized before we launch, so I apologize if this is the first time you're hearing from me, ha ha!

We've had to shift our launch date!
If you're wondering why we didn't go live on the 1st, we had some major delays that weren't worth risking. We want the campaign to run as smoothly as possible for both you and us! Keep an eye out here and socials - we'll nail down an exact date as soon as we're sure but we're shooting for mid-Feburary.

Click here and give the Hip Hatchling a follow! You'll be notified as soon as we hit that LIVE button!

Photos! We all got together to take a bunch of fun photos to show you the Hip Hatchling in action!

And, of course, we'd love to hear from you! Let us know what you think so far and if you have any suggestions we'd love to hear them!





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