We're currently working on the cross-collab pin. If you know Lunar: Silver Star Story, you will notice that the terrarium has a sleeping Nall on top of dragon diamonds.
Again, you can only get this pin if you back a physical pledge from BOTH my campaign and Dragon Placards II.
Sleeping Nall on dragon diamonds in a terrarium
About the Outer Senshi, we would love to add them to our campaign, but Meg and I agreed that we needed to find terrarium shapes for them first before we decide to add them to the campaign.
I have found some terrarium shapes I like, but I don't know if they should be used for the pins or not.
If you would like, you could help us select the four terrarium shapes either by linking us to terrariums or waiting for future polls.
We would like to again thank everyone, even if you aren't backing us, for reading our updates, sharing, pledging, and following us.