Anticipation of Hollowness - A Solarpunk Graphic Novel

Anticipation of Hollowness - A Solarpunk Graphic Novel

Janet and her outdated android friend Lyria live in the post-fossil fuel city of Sundyal in this story about accepting loss and the importance of ensuring utopia is accessible to everyone.
$3,275 🎉
of $3,000
Project Ended
Ended on at





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Comictopia 2024
#Art Nouveau

This project is part of Comictopia 2024, which runs from July 18th - August 8th 2024. Learn more →


All Backer Bonus Unlocked!

We're excited to announce that when we've reachede our $3,000 funding goal, and a new all backer bonus has unlocked! All backers will be the first to get a pdf printable version of our upcoming solarpunk coloring book! Check out a few of the sample pages below.


Welcome to Sundyal


A solarpunk graphic novel adapted by Michele Paris and Lorenzo Livrieri,
based on the short story by Nebula Award nominated author, Renan Bernardo.

Anticipation of Hollowness Panel Example A

Welcome to the post-fossil fuel city of Sundyal. Lush green, high-tech, and powered by clean energy, Sundyal seems like an idyllic place. But Janet really struggle's with Sundyal's lack of affordability. In fact, she can barely afford to eat. Meanwhile her best friend, an old and now obsolete model of android named Lyria, prepares to shutdown for the final time.

Anticipation of Hollowness Panel Example B

But is losing Lydia forever, in fact, the only way to save her? Janet wrestles with this and whether or not it's right and justified to objectify and sell her friend like some... disposable thing? Does it matter if doing so means she can afford to stay in Sundyal? And if the price of utopia is that high and inaccessible, is it really a utopia?

Anticipation of Hollowness Panel Example C

Pledge Levels

$10 - Get a PDF copy of the graphic novel, bookmark, a discount code for 10% off your next purchase from the Android Press bookstore, and a social media shout out.

$20 - Get an EPUB copy of the graphic novel, bookmark, and a discount code for 15% off your next purchase from the Android Press bookstore, and a social media shout out.

$30 - Get a Paperback copy of the graphic novel, plus an EPUB copy, bookmark, Demand Utopia sticker, and a discount code for 25% off your next purchase from the Android Press bookstore, and a social media shout out.

$50 - Get a hardcover copy of the graphic novel that is digitally signed with a personal message. You also get an EPUB copy, bookmark, Demand Utopia Sticker, and a discount code for 30% off your next purchase from the Android Press bookstore, and a social media shout out.


Stretch Goals

Once we hit out initial goal of $3,000 USD, we get to move on to our stretch goals! Each time we hit a stretch goal, it activates new all-backer bonus content.

Unlocks an exclusive all-backer video stream live from Rio de Janeiro, with author Renan Bernardo reading from the graphic novel and discussing the original story, the graphic adaptation, and more.

Unlocks for all backers a free EPUB of the 2022 Best of Utopian Speculative Fiction Anthology.

Additional stretch goals will be announced once the first stretch goal is reached.


$10 - an EPUB copy of Renan Bernardo's hopeful, solarpunk collection, DIFFERENT KINDS OF DEFIANCE, which includes the original short story version of "Anticipation of Hollowness"

$10 - an EPUB copy of the bizarre and adventurous cyberpunk graphic novel RAZOR'S EDDGE by Phil Emery and Toeken

$25 - All six 2022 digital back issues of Solarpunk Magazine (each issue includes solarpunk short stories, poems, nonfiction, and art)

$25 - All six 2023 digital back issues of Solarpunk Magazine (each issue includes solarpunk short stories, poems, nonfiction, and art)



**Shipping will be calculated and collected after the campaign through the Pledge Manager**

Most of the perks for this campaign are digital, which helps keeps shipping costs down for everyone, which is great because postage rates keep climbing in the U.S. a single stamp now costs 73 cents, and media mail (sending a book), costs $5 minimum before packaging costs are considered. That said, on average we expect shipping rates for paperback copies of the graphic novel to be approximately as follows:

Domestic Shipping:
U.S.: $7

International Shipping:
Canada: $25
UK/Europe $40
Australia and rest of world $60


Thankfully, the graphic novel has been created, formatted, and is ready to go. That means that the timeline for this campaign is really short, and that you get your graphic novels really quickly once the campaign ends on August 6th. 

And by really quickly, we mean almost immediately. As soon as pledged funds are collected, PDF and EPUB files of the graphic novel and all other perks digital perks and add-ons will be sent to backers. 

Paperback copies will take slightly longer due the time needed to package and ship copies. But we expect all physical perk orders to be fullfilled by mid September at the very latest.

Our Team

Android Press
Science Fiction & Fantasy Punks
Editor in Chief | Justine Norton-Kertson

Production Team: 
Original Story | Renan Bernardo
Script | Michele Paris 
Drawings and Colors | Lorenzo Livrieri 
Lettering | Justine Norton-Kertson 

Comictopia 2024

💥 Welcome to Comictopia — a celebration of creativity and collaboration from a diverse group of writers and artists collectively running comic book crowdfunding projects from July 18th - August 8th.

🔥 Limited Cross-Collaboration Freebies — All 30+ Comictopia creators have paired up with a fellow participant to create two unique and limited freebies together. If BOTH projects reach their initial funding goal, backers who support BOTH will get the TWO [2] cross-collab freebies listed on their campaign page, one will ship from each creator. The more pairs of Comictopia creators you support, the more limited freebies you will earn ✨

If you believe that this project is not in compliance with BackerKit’s Community Guidelines or Terms of Service, you can file a report by sending a message via this link: Report this project