ANDPIERRES (Nicholas King)
about 1 month ago

Project Update: PIN BANNERS UNLOCKED! last 2 DAYS to pledge!

hey there everyone! I'm sure you all already got the automatic email letting you know we have 48 hours left in the campaign -- I wanted to also share with you all that we managed to unlock PIN BANNERS as an add-on!

I'm SO excited that we were able to unlock these -- you can add them to your pledge via the add-ons section, or you can add them later during your pledge manager survey!

Ive had some requests to share all the designs we've unlocked so far in one post, so here we are:

This is our initial set of 6 total designs! However, I know you all have been asking for one last unlockable design...

So, heres the deal: if we can get to $8000, I'll add in one last design for a total of 7! 

(Of course, I think we all know who this last design will be 🍌)

In the time I spent adding in the pin banners & postcards to the add-on store, we jumped up to 7.8k?? So I definitely think we can get this one last goal unlocked!

Lets make this a strong finish, everyone! Just two more days to go 💫

EDIT: within less than an hour we've successfully funded the last pin design 😭😭 THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!

I wont be holding a poll for our last unlocked design, since it's been pretty obvious who you guys want unlocked! Our final seventh pin design will be...

Miss Baker!! 🍌💛
user avatar image for ANDPIERRES (Nicholas King)





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