And Tomorrow Games
about 2 months ago

Project Update: 48 Hours Till Launch! Early Incentives, stretch goals, burning questions.

48 Hours To Go!

Until the Backerkit campaign for The Dose Makes The Poison goes live. Less than 48 hours really, yikes!

Early Backer Incentives!

If you back within the first 48 hours of the campaign at any physical (print) tier, you will get a FREE Hope’s Serum patch, a mock up of which can be seen below. Iron it onto a lab coat / some scrubs / a spare paramedic’s uniform and wear at your gaming table for complete immersion.

Early backers are super important to help us build momentum. That way, we raise more funds, unlock stretch goals and can offer even more as part of the whole package. Tuesday Knight Games is also offering amazing bonuses as more projects fund, so basically, everybody wins. Trust me, we’re all going to win.

Stretch Goals!

…Or Achievements as they like to call them over at Backerkit Ranch. Once we hit our funding target, we’ll look to enhance the project further as we reach higher levels of funding. We’re not getting ahead of ourselves and listing out tons of these, but two goals we’d love to hit are:

More Audio Files - a digital suite of professionally acted voice memos to be discovered in game, giving clues to the whole messy affair that’s unravelled on on station HS-14. I’ll record these onto my 8 track cassette machine for authentic cassette-futurism hiss. Here is yon multitrack, with a new cassette warmed and ready:

More pages - background on Hope’s Pharma Inc., and the company’s two arch rivals, Health Universal and Suckler Family Pharma. Plot hooks, tensions, rumours, bounties and key NPCs that will enable you to add more retro medical madness into your wide Mothership campaigns!

So, if you want to, please back early. And if you know anyone else that might like a Bioshock-styled module for Mothership, have them follow on our teaser page linked here.

Right, that’s it, apart from you need to answer the burning question in the poll below, that you can find on our Launch Party page. Just do it, I don’t make the rules.

See you on launch day, MoShmigos.

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