Alex Zenk
2 months ago

Project Update: Weekly Updates

Going forward, I will attempt to have weekly updates on here showing the progress of everything as we get closer to the launch of this backer kit campaign.

We have done line edits in book one and have moved on to story edits. My editor is working through these this week, and we should have some changes to the story by the weekend.

While these are underway, I am diligently working through book 2. I am changing the pace of the chapters and will split the longer ones into shorter ones, which means that at this point, I am working on chapter 5 and will finish that up this week, if not even today. I have "shopped" the opening four pages to my local writer's group, and they like the direction this story is going in. 

It's a lot of exciting stuff, but it's slow going. I hope for a spring launch for the book, and everyone who pledges here will get bonus items to support this campaign. If we reach our goals, I will pull the trigger on the hardcover and premium audiobook edition. I will work on getting those as add-ons and bonus items for certain tiers. 





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