Alchemy Art
11 months ago

Project Update: Shipping Continued + Minor Delay for Residuals (Still Waiting on Last Remakes)

Hey friends! This is a short update just to keep everyone posted on progress. The short of it is that shipments are still undergoing and the Alchemy team is working on it still. We appreciate your patience while we work through everything!

More detailed info:

  • Right now, we stand at about 63% done with packages. We've started hitting some of the massive packages; we timed one of the bigger packages and assembling it (not counting grading time) took about 29 minutes just to punch the pins into cards, sleeve them, get them into the assembled box, write up the clearances and tape/label the box. As such, we slowed down a fair bit from the initial while starting to handle these. (It's just Mel and her sis working on these, currently.)
  • We are dancing timewise a bit between spring cons - each show itself is about a week since there's setup and travel, plus any time needed to prep for the show itself. In the last 5.5 weeks since the last update, there were two shows, so the remaining 2.5ish weeks of time we've done as much as we could (alongside finishing other shop tasks like pin club, braving business tax season, working with manufs for other ongoing designs - always a lot going on).
  • Almost all of the truly terrible pins have been graded; what remains are the better (and/or remake) ones that were delayed while wading through the (literal) thousands of bad pins. This is concurrent with packing.
  • We're still waiting on the Prince/King Lich remakes that were mentioned in the last update, but anything else outstanding has arrived with us. We're hoping that this is the last of the remakes we need.

Remaining timeline:
  • Jess is scheduled to come up for a last day or two of fulfilment toward the end of the month, and Mel is hoping to have around 80% done before that happens. There are still a lot of big packages hanging out, so we're wanting to get those out the door if possible, but that may make it seem slower progress wise while we handle those. 
  • The original anticipated date for the standards drop may be toward the end of the month now coinciding with Jess coming up. We'll follow up again before it happens via an update (so if Mel doesn't update, it hasn't happened yet).
  • Because of how we're going through items, we cannot tell you where you fall in the lineup. Grading fatigue is a real thing (you stop seeing errors if you grade too long, and also give yourself bad headaches pretty easily if you're not careful), so Mel is grading in sections then packaging. We're doing our best to start as many packages as space allows so not all big packages are at the end.  

Last reminder:
  • If you have an address change and have not gotten a label, you're welcome to email in. If Mel can change it, she will - [email protected].

If you have further questions, feel free to drop them below or in Discord, and Mel will answer as soon as she can.

- Mel (& Jess & Venetia)
user avatar image for Alchemy Art




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