Project Update: Barely 100 minutes remaining, and we're juuuust about touching digital sprayed edges!!!
Ooooo this is exciting!!! We're JUST ABOUT over the line for digital sprayed edges, which allows us to upgrade the sprayed edges to a design, rather than a single block of colour... But if pledges get dropped at this stage, we'll dip back below the line, so please tell all your friends (or in fact anyone, I'm not picky) to come support this project so we can make sure the artwork happens!
ONE HUNDRED MINUTES TO GO! Let's make them count!
And, again, thank you SO MUCH for all of your help. I adore this madcap action/adventure book, and I hope you will love it as much as I do!
- AK
We'll upgrade sprayed edges to digital at £4,000!
Goal: £4,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!