4 months ago

Project Update: Surveys are being sent out! + Preview of the SK Tarot Guidebook!

Hi starry knights! I'm sending out Backer Surveys today, and I will be charging and locking all orders on 10/21/24 (this date might change if not enough people responded to their survey - the latest date for this will be 10/24/24.)

From the Project FAQ, here's some more info on deadlines, when stuff is happening, and more:
Surveys will be closed and orders will be locked on 10/21/24, so please make sure all shipping information is correct and accurate. Please make sure your cards have the correct information so that they can be charged for shipping and then I can send you your decks when they're ready :)

When shipments are sent out, please contact your local postal carrier (I will be using USPS / UPS) as when the packages are out of my hand, they will be able to more accurately and quickly assist you. 

As in the Project's FAQ, I am not responsible for customs fees or anything that arises while the packages are in transit - please contact your local post office or carrier to find any packages should the address be in error,and please double-check your address before finalizing your survey.

Thanks so much for supporting the Starry Knight Tarot Deck! You will be receiving your package soon.

I have sent out a few already, if they look good the rest will be sent out later today :)

Thanks so much everyone for supporting the Starry Knight Tarot Deck and my art! I'm preparing everything for print, and as soon as I have surveys filled out and closed and shipping charged, I will have the final numbers for print. Once the printed decks, boxes, and books get back to me, I'm estimating in November, I'll ship everything out before the holiday season in December :D

ALSO! I have one more fun thing to show you: Here's a preview of the Starry Knight Tarot Guidebook! It changed a little since its first incarnation about a year ago.

The stories about the characters are why I chose them for each card (in other words, why there are some swords users in wands, some mages in swords, etc. I stand by the artistic vision of the deck). There are a variety of tales, and I think they're entertaining and sometimes funny ;) If you recognize some of the characters from the Men Plus Monsters Tarot, the stories here are different than the blurbs in that book, so there is no overlapping content. 

Each character was meant to represent a slightly different take on each tarot card, but these entries are just starting points and you may have very different interpretations of the cards. If there is more than one entry featuring a character (like my OC Atin on The Devil 1 and The Emperor 2), they were chosen because they are multifaceted people who embody both cards. 

I kept the key words and meanings minimalist for clarity, and because experienced readers will likely glean their own meanings from the cards through the art, juxtaposition with other cards, etc. After reading tarot for years, I feel like the upright and reversed layout I went with here is a good compromise between explanation and discovery.

Thanks so much again and don't forget to fill out those surveys~
- Aero




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