12 days ago

Project Update: BONUS Art Print FREE for Everyone + Over Halfway Funded!! :D

Hi starry knights!

Letting you know that all backers are getting a BONUS art print of the Ace of Cups in addition to their pledges, at no extra cost!
Also, backers will only be charged AFTER the campaign is over :) Check out the art print of the Ace of Cups:

We're over halfway funded!! Pledge now, so you don't miss out on getting any of the 5 decks on this campaign!~

Plus, more freebies, booster packs and art prints on the Stretch Goals~!

As a reminder, decks from the Celestial Tarot Collection are also available on this campaign for a limited time only! (Celestial Animal Oracle Deck, Divine Animal Oracle Deck, Men Plus Monsters Tarot Deck, and Terato Tarot Deck - all except the MM Deck are out of stock in my shops!)

Thanks so much for your support and for reading! I'll be doing an overview of the Add-ons next time, starting with the Celestial Animal Oracle Deck :D Astrology and the solar and lunar zodiacs in the palm of your hand :o

Let's smash that initial goal and get some free cards for everyone! :D
- Aero

The 1st place voted option will be yours! - for all physical reward tier backers! -
Goal: $3,825 / $5,000
We need $1,175 more to reach this goal.




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