James Bell
Past Backer
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
Gold Tier
This user is a top contributor to this community!
about 2 years ago
Project Update: Manuscript Preview #5 - Final Chapters!
Hello Scions,
Here we are, on our final Tuesday of the campaign, with our final section of the draft manuscript ready for backers to review. Anyone who's pledged to this campaign is able to read the entire draft manuscript of this book before any pledges are processed or payments collected this Thursday at 2:00 PM EST (11:00 AM PST).
As we've done with the past three sections, these links will be visible only to Backers who are logged in to the campaign page, so click "Read that Update" if you're looking at this in your inbox and I'll see you below the title treatment...
Here we are, on our final Tuesday of the campaign, with our final section of the draft manuscript ready for backers to review. Anyone who's pledged to this campaign is able to read the entire draft manuscript of this book before any pledges are processed or payments collected this Thursday at 2:00 PM EST (11:00 AM PST).
As we've done with the past three sections, these links will be visible only to Backers who are logged in to the campaign page, so click "Read that Update" if you're looking at this in your inbox and I'll see you below the title treatment...
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content