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Hello everyone! I'm gearing up to participate in the crowdfunding campaign for Gloomhaven v2.0, Frosthaven, and both miniatures pack. I have a few questions regarding the payment process on Backerkit. I hope someone can help me clarify some doubts. At the moment, I'm unable to afford the full amount of $535 (with additional taxes and shipping) for both games and their respective miniatures. I would like to know if it's possible to make separate payments for the 4 "projects". Specifically, I'd like to pay for Frosthaven right away, which costs $180. When the pledge manager opens in August, I'd like to add Gloomhaven v2.0 as an add-on and pay for it at a later time. Additionally, I'd like to do the same for the miniatures of both sets, paying for them subsequently. I noticed that there are closing dates mentioned on the pledge manager's calendar for January 2024 and June 2024. However, I can't find any information regarding the opening period of the pledge manager. I'm wondering if the pledge manager will remain open from August 2023 until the respective closing dates of each wave. Thank you in advance for any information or clarification you can provide. I'm very excited to participate in this campaign and would like to ensure I understand how to handle the payments properly. Nick