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Cthulhu is Hard to Spell, Volumes 1-3! Initially only released in huge hardcover format, we are re-releasing this fan-favorite comic book anthology series in collaboration with USA Today bestselling author Russell Nohelty as softcovers with brand new cover art AND new stories included!
Cover art by Javiera Argandona
These books are our love letters to Lovecraft fans of all kinds, from those who obsess about Cthulhu, to the ones who never want to leave Arkham, to the ones who keep a copy of the Necronomicon under their pillow, and everyone in between. Whether you are a casual fan or a rabid one, we've got you covered.
Featuring stories by Lea Hernandez (Teen Titans Go), Megan Hutchinson (Will o' the Wisp), and more!
Cover art by Emily Maneval
This series was made for people who know nothing about Lovecraft as much as somebody who loves Lovecraft deep in their bones. Lots of the stories in these books are Lovecraftian in nature down to their very core, but there are also funny stories, cute stories, fantasy stories, sci-fi stories, and much, much more which build on the Lovecraftian mythos.
Cover art by Stan Yak
Best of all, this anthology series is ALL AGES APPROPRIATE. These aren't stories made for children necessarily, at least not all of them, but we toned down the cursing (there is none), the violence (there is no blood), and there was never any sex, to make sure you could show it to your child, even if they won't understand it all.
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