Escape this world of shadow and lies—enter the astonishing world of the Actuality

Invisible Sun: Electric and Indigo

by Monte Cook Games

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A storm in Indigo is not so different than those elsewhere. Rain and wind and sometimes even hail. But the rarest of Indigo storms also drops, for just a moment or two, keys.

These keys clatter to the streets, rarely damaged by their long fall. Every key is different. Some open locks they really shouldn’t—a bank vault or a gerent’s back door. No one knows how.
Far more significant, however, are the wicked keys. A vislae can spot a wicked key from a fair distance, easily distinguishing it from the mundane. Keyfalls are rare—wicked keys even more so. But in the hands of a vislae, a wicked key can open not just doors and vaults, but people. Memories. Lost and ancient realms. Anything.

Escape this cruel world of shadow and lies. Unlock new realms. Invisible Sun: Electric and Indigo brings you a new opportunity to explore the Actuality—and an entire new sun to discover. Sign up to be notified when the campaign launches, and find this exclusive wicked key among your rewards when you back it.

Don’t miss this keyfall, wise vislae, for when it passes so will this unique and exclusive wicked key.

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