Get Ready for Scions of the Dark Goddess - A modern era Call of Cthulhu campaign
by Shadowlands Games
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Scions of the Dark Goddess is a cosmic horror campaign for Call of Cthulhu, set in the United States, in 2024. The Cthulhu Mythos and cosmic horror remain present in humankind’s collective imagination. However, they don’t work the same way anymore. Humanity’s primordial terrors are not still represented the same way they were a century ago. If a video started circulating, today, of a great tentacled marine creature… At most it would become “trending topic” for a few days, until someone else recorded a video of a rat dragging a slice of pizza. No, even if the fears remain the same, their shapes have changed.
Download and play the Scions of the Dark Goddess' campaign prologue for free! To download Nazarene's Lot in english, click here. For the spanish version, click here.
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