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Get Ready for Unleashed - a TTRPG about doggos doing heists.

by Critical Kit Ltd

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For all appearances, you are a pampered pooch. Adopted by wealthy folks, living a life of luxury. But in secret, you are a master thief, executing daring, dangerous and often comedic heists -- usually robbing from those in your owners' social circles. Sometimes it's about doing the right thing and helping the helpless and other times it's all about the bling or vengeance. However, it's always about trying to do the right thing by not doing the right thing.

The game is easy to learn (10 minutes) and self-generates twists and turns meaning you can play with or without a GM (Top Dog) and play as a pack or a solo criminal.

All you need is some paper, a pen and a d6 and you are off.

There are three acts to each game.

PLAN: This is where you get the target and its location, assemble a crew together (optional) and gather information and equipment that may help you.

EXECUTE: This is where you see if all of the things you prepared for work (spoiler some or most of them won't go according to plan). You'll have to overcome obstacles and if things go awry you will need to attempt to fail forwards or go off-script.

ESCAPE: Once you have the goods, you'll need to get them somewhere safe before you move them on. This is a great time for double-crossing and plot-twists. Or not. But probably.

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